

me irl I am a final-year Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago, working with Jakob Eriksson and Xingbo Wu. Back in 2018, I earned my bachelor's degree in Computer Science from ShanghaiTech University.

Links to my: GitHub / LinkedIn / CV


My expertise spans key-value stores, storage systems, data indexing and system performance. I am passionate about building fast, secure, and reliable systems software to improve the foundation of data-intensive applications. Occasionally, I am fortunate to get some academic papers published.

Back in the summer of 2022, I worked as a research intern in the storage team at Cockroach Labs.



Personal: mail@roychan.org Work: cchen262@uic.edu

My PGP key is 0xD98C8DC4 (pubkey, keyserver).